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Messages - mantha16

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NeoLemmix Levels / Re: Lemmings All The Styles
« on: July 14, 2021, 12:33:56 AM »
has anyone played and have any kind of constructive feedback

ill share the list of my custom sprites in the event anyone wants to use them please note theres a lot of them so i dnt know whether to wait till ppl ask or post zipped files, ive also gotta update all of them to add custom laserers and sliders

NeoLemmix Levels / Lemmings All The Styles
« on: May 14, 2021, 04:46:48 PM »
At last I bring you all the styles  165 levels of varying degrees of difficulty each level in a different style

see development thread for preview images

In Development / Re: Lemmings All The Styles BETA version
« on: May 07, 2021, 04:17:23 PM »
I am now up to 145 out of the total 165 levels that will exist heres a few sneak previews

In Development / Re: Lemmings All The Styles BETA version
« on: April 21, 2021, 03:22:25 PM »
OK so progress has finally restarted on this

I've now got 135 levels created with 122 rejigged and edited to my liking (mostly because it had been so long since i did them i couldn't remember the solutions)  I think there has been some big improvements.

Theres between 25-30 levels to do  before it will be ready for full non-beta release

In Development / converting levels
« on: April 16, 2021, 07:24:14 PM »
so I downloaded a lot of peoples old stuff from the levels for others to finish board so then people could use them in new formats but unfortunately could not get them to convert does anyone know how to help (or would be willing to convert the 300 files i have collated together) thank you

In Development / Re: Bits of Levels You Can Finish!
« on: April 13, 2021, 04:45:41 AM »
think i might use that in telelems nessy

+1 for namida is a silly sausage

Live Event Scheduling / Re: Among Us
« on: April 12, 2021, 10:18:28 PM »
I'll probably be in dependent on my sleeping pattern

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: 5 New Style Packs
« on: April 12, 2021, 12:06:45 AM »
well i havent finished yet but i would say (in no particular order)

and my own styles for the custom lems

Live Event Scheduling / Re: Poker Tournament (not for real money)
« on: April 11, 2021, 08:30:19 AM »
Don't forget poker tonight if anyone intends to play but isnt on the discord server please let me know or alternatively join the server here

if everyone is already a member there we will be on voice chat in the pillar room

NeoLemmix Styles / Re: 5 New Style Packs
« on: April 10, 2021, 08:19:38 PM »
oohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh chalkboard is in my top 5 fave styles awesome work

Live Event Scheduling / Re: Poker Tournament (not for real money)
« on: April 08, 2021, 07:23:28 PM »
ok sunday it will be I'll say 9pm UTC start time to split the difference between the 8pm I said originally and the 10pm mobius wants. If the people who have said they will play are all on the discord server then we will do voice chat in the pillar room there if not then we will use the site where we will play.

Live Event Scheduling / Re: Poker Tournament (not for real money)
« on: April 04, 2021, 12:46:50 PM »
Awesome so would you guys prefer Saturday or sunday

Live Event Scheduling / Re: Poker Tournament (not for real money)
« on: April 03, 2021, 09:40:46 PM »
That's a good idea namida with the caveat that we won't go on discord if anyone who wants to play isn't on the discord server so it's open to more ppl

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