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Messages - LJLPM

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Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 27, 2013, 06:01:44 PM »
Hey, take your time.  I think this is the most full-featured level editor I've seen to date, it looks pretty impressive. :thumbsup:

I second that. I would totally use this when it's released.

Thank you for your support! Thanks to this forum, I definitively rose my initial goal at coding this level-editor :) At the beginning, I just tried to code a little convenient level-editor for my own game, but now I've tried to make a level-editor "to rule" all the other Lemmings editors  :D :D :D You'll tell me!

This week, I cleaned the code a little bit, and I added two new useful features:

- feature #1
up to now, you were able to swap 2 items' # (with 1 click, make one item appear in front of another or vice-versa, depending on their own #).
This week, I added the "reindex" option. With this option, you don't swap 2 items' #, you only deal with a single item. To make it short, using "reindex" allows you to manually specify a new # for an item (for example, the item you've just added to the level (highest #) can now be set to be the very 1st item of the level (lowest #), and all the following items will be nicely reindexed: I'm sure you'll like this option very much 8) It will no longer be a pita to reorder your items in a level.

- feature #2
until this morning, the editor lacked the possibility to make circles of entities: now you can :) Obviously, you can set the circle's radius, but you can also adjust the density of entities along the circle. I can't remember having already seen this in Lemmings1 levels, so I think it's a first to have this kind of option!

I tell you once again: I can't wait to see the new levels you will create for Lemmings with the editor!!! (but, it is likely that I'll miss the september deadline for the release...)

... by the way, did I say that Undo & Redo functions allow 30 steps backward and foreward? :D

=> left: level's borders activated on top+bottom sides /// right: no level's borders activated on top+bottom sides, so entities that make the bigger circle aren't blocked: can you imagine the new ideas you'll be able to bring in level design, with the "Circle" option? :D

=> different entity densities along circle paths (same radiuses)

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 23, 2013, 06:30:28 PM »
Perhaps having a "draw Bezier curve" feature (similar to how you already have "draw line segment" and "draw freeform curve" features) would give the average user the roughly similar ability to make smooth-looking curves, without having to brush up on their math. ;P

Done 8) I still have some minor work to do on that feature, but the editor now includes a very basic "Create a Bezier Curve" possibility. With this feature, you'll be able to add perfect smooth curves to your Lemmings levels (as seen in the screenshots below).

Moreover, "Undo" & "Redo" functions are finished, too: so I guess I've finished the editor! :) :) :)
(... however grant me a little more time to clean the code before releasing the app ; it won't be long: sorry for the inconvenience, but I hope you'll be pleased with this level editor, and it will meet your expectations! Thank you!)

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 19, 2013, 05:33:41 PM »
Good news! All the bugs I was aware of are fixed now :) (except for the "Undo/Redo" functions which still require some work)

The level-editor is fully functionnal, and I have to say that the result exceeds my original goal when I started this dev (at that time, I planned to write a smaller tool with less... "everything" actually).

We are really getting closer to the release, so stay tuned!

new feature added: for those who would like to have access to a bigger list of items in 1:1 size, notice the optional resizable floating list at the right side of the level-editor.

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 18, 2013, 09:26:26 PM »
Thank you very much for your detailed answer! :)

Today, I didn't have too much time to spend on the editor, so I just took few minutes to add the "Shuffle" option: it randomizes the selected items' positions.
(the already-existing "Lazy" option randomly generates new items at random positions, whereas the "Shuffle" option doesn't create new items but allows you to choose/select level's items to be randomized: could be useful!)

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 18, 2013, 05:39:24 PM »
And since we're talking about some technical details,

- 1) do you know the size (width x height) of a builder's finished stairs, please?
(in the very 1st Lemmings, assuming this is the same size on Amiga/ST/PC, SNES, MD, etc...)

- 2) and what is the radius used by explosions (bombers), please?
(in the very 1st Lemmings, too, assuming this is the same radius on Amiga/ST/PC, SNES, MD, etc...)

Thanks for your help!

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 17, 2013, 05:42:19 PM »
New from today: the "Vertical Mirror" feature (= use of an horizontal axis for mirroring)
I coded the "Horizontal Mirror" feature early in the development, so I definitively should have done this one earlier ;P

TODO: I have to work on the "Undo/Redo" functions, which need fixes.

(scene made in seconds using the lightweight GUI only + snapgrid + "Brush" mode + "Vertical Mirror" feature, all of them triggered by keyboard shortcuts)

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 17, 2013, 12:00:26 AM »
... and guess what: there are some other already-working cool features that I didn't talk about yet...  8) 8) 8)

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 15, 2013, 05:47:04 PM »
I really wanted this editor to be usable by the maximum number of people, so I had to work on the GUI's size, and I've just finished working on the ability to resize the GUI (and that was quite a work, actually :)).
Now the level editor could virtually work on any size of monitors: so whatever size is your computer's screen, you will be able to fully use the level editor :) The config file is initially set with relevant data to launch the editor using large width & height. But you can freely edit the config file to set a smaller (or bigger!) size for the GUI, depending on your needs.
You can also arrange GUI's layout as seen on the screenshots below. And actual level's size is also configurable (in order to make levels for other games than Lemmings).
And, finally, for those who mainly work with keyboard's shortcuts (which are now freely mappable, by the way  8)) and want to work with a lightweight GUI, then, you'll also be able to mask the bottom part of the editor (of course you can easily make it re-appear by a simple hit on the same key that made it disappear): this is a nice addition.

- arranged layout, with edition tools next to the level:

- standard layout for small screens (yes, yes, this is the full view of the editor! Notice the appearance of an horizontal scrollbar at the very bottom of the GUI, to access all the available edition tools/features):

- standard layout for big screens (all the available tools/features of the GUI are visible on screen)

- standard layout for big screens, lightweight GUI (bottom part masked, so you'd better have to know your keyboard shortcuts :)):

By the way:
Everything should be freely mappable to user-definable hotkeys.

how compatible is your program right now? For example, If I were to make a level with it, save it as INI, could I then open the level up in Lemmix and it would work?
Yes, it works :)

Other Projects / Re: coding a level-editor for Lemmings
« on: September 13, 2013, 08:38:23 PM »
I keep on working hard on the level-editor in order to make it the best Lemmings level-editor ever! With this dev, I really went further than what I initially thought when I started this topic at the end of May. Actually, I think I wouldn't have gone this far without your help & support, so thank you! I'm really pleased with the result, and I hope you'll like it too!(please be patient, I hope to release the editor this month)

In the screenshot below, you can see this week's new features (handy features!):

- 1) a resizable Zoom window (x2, x4, and x8!) to help making hyper-accurate moves and item-alignments (you'll really be able to place your items exactly where you want them to be, at a pixel-perfect level, so no more excuses for approximate item-locations :))

- 2) I also added something I had in mind for weeks now, something very convenient to make level creations easier and faster than ever: just below the level (and just above the Zoom window, in the screenshot), you'll find the complete list of items' thumbnails of a given type (Terrain, Object, ...: depending on the item's type currently selected in the GUI). With this convenient list, you no longer have to scroll though a short list of items to find the item you want to add, because, now, you have instant access to the whole set of items! And the items you'll mark as "Favorites" will always appear at the begining of the thumbnail list (see the level's 2-item-made exit at the very 1st place of the thumbnail list of Terrains? It's a Favorite. You can spot them easily in the thumbnail list because Favorites are displayed over a blue background ;)): very helpful! ...Oh, and you can sort this list by item's ID, width or height ;)

With all the features you'll find in this level-editor, making a level for Lemmings has never been easier or faster! I really can't wait to see the levels you'll design with it!

Other Projects / Re: coding a Lemmings clone + its level-editor
« on: August 31, 2013, 02:45:29 PM »
Yeah, the formula editor is a bit of advanced feature but I'm glad it's here :)
It uses Javascript's functions/syntax, and formulas should result in a single number.
Moreover, I'm, too, interested in having Bezier curves in the level editor. Maybe one day...

For making things easier with the formula editor, I've already pre-entered some common functions (as seen in the screenshot below).

below: Making a random (but coherent) ground in seconds using the formula-editor (0 <= Math.random() < 1)

I have also made the formula editor more powerful than yesterday by enabling the use of items' attributes in formulas: for example, now, you can apply changes every n items, or on Terrains/Object/Steel only, or on items with specific width/height or position, etc... (ie: in the following screenshot, I skip 4 items before applying changes on item's position using an incremental variable on Y).

Other Projects / Re: coding a Lemmings clone + its level-editor
« on: August 30, 2013, 09:01:32 PM »
Ever wanted to design harmonious levels in Lemmings?
Well, just review your maths because you'll soon be able! :)

This morning a new idea hit me for making the level editor even better: add a feature that can evaluate math functions in order to set items' x and y coords!

Well, it's done, it works pretty well, and it's pretty fun to experiment with this feature  :thumbsup:
You can use functions like Plus, Minus, Multiply, Divide, Cos, Sin, Log, Pow, etc ... and numbers like PI. I have also added the possibility to use incremental variables when dealing with multiple items.

Being able to use maths opens a whole new world of level design for Lemmings (I think it has never been done before). What would be a nightmare to do manually only takes seconds now: it's really cool!!!

For example, in the 1st screenshot below, I started with bubbles aligned on a straight line, and then use the "Cos" function to set a nice layout. In the 2nd screen, I used a "Log" function to set very smooth steps for the ground.

Other Projects / Re: coding a Lemmings clone + its level-editor
« on: August 25, 2013, 05:21:21 PM »
Cool things have been done on the level-editor recently :)

- one can load & save Lemmings' .lvl files (as well as Lemmini's .ini files and editor's native .xml files).
- steel/metal pieces are 100% handled now.
- the snapgrid displays units in pixels (on x and y).
- you can filter what kind of items are displayed on screen (ie: all items appear in the 1st screen, whereas the 2nd screen displays Terrains only: no more yellow arrows, see?)
- I've also added the "visibility mask", which turns gray everything which is out of ingame screen's 640px-width limit (very useful when setting your level's starting point, for example). This feature is demonstrated on the 2nd screen.
- etc ...

And you can also use another mask-related feature to make quick and easy object alignments against mask's borders ("Collision Mask" feature).
In the screenshot below, top-left: the initial scene, top-right: I defined my mask, and selected some items, bottom-left: perfect left-alignements, bottom-right: perfect right-alignments.

Other Projects / Re: coding a Lemmings clone + its level-editor
« on: August 16, 2013, 12:30:46 PM »
the dev' is almost over, and I have updated the page where you'll be able to download the level-editor:

On this page, you can see all the current working features: there are a lot of them now :)
Expect a release in September.

PS: feel free to try my puzzle-game on my website, too

Other Projects / Re: coding a Lemmings clone + its level-editor
« on: July 30, 2013, 08:02:55 PM »
I've just added a new feature that will help to accurately design the levels you imagine: the "Path Mode" feature.

In this new mode,
- 1) you select a single entity or a Favorite made of several entities to be cloned/generated along a path (in the screenshot below, I selected a multi-entity favorite => it's the red-selected item in the item list, and on the level's left side, you can see this favorite is not a single object but it's actually made of some various items)

- 2) then, you continuously draw each segment of your path until you decide to stop your path. And for each single segment, you set in real time the number of clones you want along the current segment (using keyboard's arrows to adjust the number of clones).
During this process, you see in real time the location of each item/clone on the segment: so, as you stretch and move path's current segment, you have an instant visual feedback of how your items will be finally set in the level. This is very coooooool to accurately design level's areas!
And until you commit the path's current segment, the clones that are displayed on screen act only as visual references (therefore, you don't see them in the minimap, since I didn't commit the path yet). When you commit the segment, items are actually added to the level.

Paths can be snapped on the grid lines too 8)

See this screenshot:
- 1 single segment,
- 3 clones wanted in the 1st screen,
- then, 14 clones wanted in the 2nd screen (very same segment)
- and, finally, 12 clones on a shorten straight horizontal line, in the 3rd screen
=> real-time visual feedback of what one is about to draw in the level :)

And the "Path" feature isn't limited to straight lines: you can also perform freehand drawings. Moreover, when you use curved paths, you can specify in real-time the spacing between each drawn item, and, as with straight-line paths seen above, you have a real-time visual feedback of what you're doing: veeeeeeeeery handy to design cool things!

So, with this new tool, generating landscapes is a very easy -and almost instant- job! It's really cool :)

Please, see the screenshot below:
- same path used on each screen (blue hand-drawn curve),
- selected entity used for the path is a Favorite made of 4 items
- spacings used are 1) 6-unit spacing (continuous landscape), 2) then 17-unit spacing, 3) then 45-unit spacing, 4) and finally I commited my path using a 99-unit spacing which results in a landscape made of individual islands.

Other Projects / Re: coding a Lemmings clone + its level-editor
« on: July 28, 2013, 12:35:30 PM »
I didn't have too much time to spend on the level-editor lately, but here are some news about it:

- several bugs fixed + code optimizations (some things worked, but I wasn't happy with the code, so I've re-written some functions). There is still work left on that.

- levels' size is no longer limited to Lemmings's 3200x320 (you set your level's size in a "config.ini" file / default values are Lemmings's), and it has never been easier to add new (custom) tilesets to the level-editor: so, in other words, the level-editor can now be used to design levels for a wider range of games.

- the GUI auto-switches to a vertical layout if you're making a vertical level

- new keyboard shortcuts added (toggle minimap on/off, for example)

- snap grid's lines are no longer displayed in the minimap

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