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Messages - Lehnah

Quote from: jkapp76 on May 02, 2023, 08:40:38 PMHere's my edited icon pack.

I added a yellow outline to (skill select) so I can see what's selected better.
I used the bigger lemm95 icons for + and - adjusted to match existing colors.
I used the lemm95 pause. It's easier for me to see as well.
And the tweaked Nuke button that is similar but shaded better.

Excuse my ignorance, but where would I put these?

Edit: Sorry, figured it out.
Awesome! Looking forward to playing this.
Quote from: GigaLem on December 26, 2024, 12:40:35 PM
Quote from: Lehnah on December 26, 2024, 12:34:14 AMI'm a HUGE Sonic fan. Very keen to try this!
This is the in development thread, perhaps this is what you're looking for

Brilliant, thanks!
Lemmings Main / Re: Tileset ideas thread
December 26, 2024, 01:25:53 AM
Quote from: GigaLem on March 03, 2015, 09:27:39 PMI want to make a thread to discuss anyone want to make a tile set becuase
After a i finish the GigaLems trilogy i want make tilesets for another pack
I'll call it SonicLems using sonic styled tilesets but i don't know how to put them on neolemmix yet but i have an idea for the exit

I know this is an old post, but did this ever get made? As a big Sonic fan I'd love to check it out!
Any chance of a "Mega Drive Lemmings" logo for those of us outside America?
I'm a HUGE Sonic fan. Very keen to try this!
Other Projects / Re: [Android] Lemmings-like game (WIP)
December 26, 2024, 12:33:01 AM
Since there's been no update in almost three years, I'm guessing this is dead?
NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.14.0 Released
December 25, 2024, 11:29:39 PM
Wow, the final version! Thanks so much for all the work you've put into this. It's amazing being able to replay there games.
Lemmings Main / Re: Lemmings Collectibles Topic
December 25, 2024, 11:06:58 PM
This is a great collection, Mobiethian. I remembers years ago I had a Lemmings choose-your-own-adventure book. No idea how many were made, but I remember it being really cool. These days all I have is the Floater figure (whose stand sadly broke) and the talking plush as well as the Mega Drive games.
Quote from: jkapp76 on April 27, 2024, 04:07:56 PM@Mobiethian

To disable the scanlines just replace the file in the Data folder with this one.

*You can modify the (486.conf) file in my other conversions as well by editing this file in those versions, going to the (render) section and changing the glshader=none.

Here's the other two conversions, for anyone interested.
Lemmings 2 - The tribes

Lemmings 3d

Does one of these conversations exist for the original 1991 game?
I rewatched the doctor recently when I was travelling. It's such a love letter to the series and really has me wanting to play the games again. I realise I had Lemmings 2 on the Mega Drive but never finished it. Might have to boot up an emulator and fix that.
Thanks so much for all the hard work, Namida! :thumbsup:
Thanks guys! :thumbsup:
NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.10.0 Released
November 18, 2020, 11:26:10 PM
Quick question; if I fail a level and go to replay it, is there a way to stop the reply of what I did the previous attempt all at once, or do I have to delete each individual entry from the replay menu?
NeoLemmix Main / Re: NeoLemmix V12.10.0 Released
November 16, 2020, 10:33:12 AM
Quote from: namida on November 16, 2020, 01:33:10 AM

Lemmings Redux is a great way to relive the classics (and maybe play some of the official levels you might have missed) and ease yourself into NeoLemmix, but the real fun starts when you get into fanmade level packs (or make your own) - that's what NeoLemmix is really about!

Although I played heaps of Lemmings back in the day, I've never actually completed it. I could never figure out how to do Heaven Can Wait (We Hope) in the time limit, for example. I'm really keen to try and finish all the official stuff before delving into fan levels, especially as I read those can be harder. :lem-mindblown: