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Topics - glitchapp

NeoLemmix Styles / Fish fillets style
May 23, 2022, 03:35:24 AM
Hello! this is my first attempt at making a style for neolemmix. Someone has asked me to create a tileset because he is interested in creating levels with the assets, however, I've never done that.

I've been checking some of the tilesets and tried to do the same to see If manage to create them. I attached it here.

In this link you'll find some of the levels and assets I used to create the tilesets:;topicseen#new

If anyone has experience creating tileset I'll be very happy if you can provide feedback or suggestion regarding the size, resolution of the blocks etc.

The game from which the assets are used has a completely different logic, therefore there are no traps and doors so you will have to mix the assets with others to have a complete set.

I hope someone find them useful!
Hello, I'm the main developer of the remake of an old great puzzle game called fish fillets. Recently someone told me that the level designs and graphics of my game reminds very much lemmings. Just in case someone could be interested in using any of the assets or level designs of my game to create levels for lix here is the link to the project:

I hope someone find the graphics and assets useful and I'll be happy to know if someone decides to create any levels with the assets.

Thanks for reading!