Lemmings Forums

Lemmings Boards => Lemmings Main => Topic started by: The Tomato Watcher on June 23, 2021, 03:51:59 AM

Title: Lemmings 2: the Tribes Sound Effects
Post by: The Tomato Watcher on June 23, 2021, 03:51:59 AM
I've noticed that there aren't any Lemmings 2 sound sets to download anywhere, so I decided I'd fix that! Maybe these could be useful for traps or other objects, but maybe that's not practical? I don't know, but they're here now! Hope you can find some uses for these. Taken from the PC version.

I want to note that this collection is by no means perfect. Instead of opening the raw sound data in Sound Forge, slicing it up and pitch-shifting the individual clips appropriately like I did for my Lemmings Voices video (because apparently, the .VOC file for Lemmings 2 isn't a regular one), I somehow happened upon a program whose sole purpose was to turn that one file into a bunch of regular .VOCs for me. It did a decent job, and the pitches are perfect, but it seemed to cut a tiny bit off the end of each sound. On some sounds, it was basically unnoticeable, but on others, there was a pronounced pop or click at the end. One sound might have been reduced to nothing but a click (unless that's what it was supposed to be, haven't played in a long time), and a couple frog-croaking sounds didn't get converted at all for whatever reason. I tried to convert them to a more popular sound format with VLC, but it did an awful job. It cut EVEN MORE off the ends and the clips just sounded like crap. So I ended up switching between various online converters (because I'm a freeloader that doesn't like paying for things), and the results were much better. I then applied a very short fade out to the clips that ended in clicks or pops (though, depending on the audio player, you might still hear one) and gave them somewhat fitting names.

If you all really want the frog-croak sound effects, I'll get them from the raw sound data and add them here.