Lemmings Forums

Off-Topic Boards => General Discussion => Topic started by: Nessy on September 28, 2017, 09:27:38 PM

Title: Nessy's YouTube Channel (old)
Post by: Nessy on September 28, 2017, 09:27:38 PM
Hello everybody!

Inspired by Flopsy's newest top 15 video (https://youtu.be/9T5DmwqIBjw), I have decided to finally start a YouTube channel (it's not live yet). Yeah, I know, I never had one because I just never had anything interesting to post, but I think that I'm going to go for it regardless if my content is interesting or not because I don't expect it to become huge anyway :P.

I don't know what I'll be doing yet though, but one thing that I would like to do is maybe start off my channel with a video that kind of like advertises NeoLemmix in general (not necessarily a specific version) similar to the video Lix has (https://youtu.be/e35LjKmwRUE). For example, show off its main features like frame skipping, the builder, miner, digger preview, etc. I might even go as far as to show off some fan-made levels (without giving away solutions, of course, and levels that aren't too late in the pack). All of this would be to attract new users that may not know about this community and as a way to tell new people, "Hey, we are still an active community and check out what we have done!".

I was going to ask this in the IRC chat but decided to write it here in order to better articulate my thoughts and get more opinions on the subject manner. I don't know if I'm allowed to do something like this, so I just wanted to ask to be sure. If this is okay to make and you don't want your level pack to be in it, or you have specific levels you would like to include, you can let me know in this thread.
Title: Re: Nessy's YouTube Channel
Post by: Flopsy on September 28, 2017, 10:00:29 PM
That's a terrific idea Nessy.

I'm happy that my videos are inspiring people as well, pleased to hear that.

When someone starts a new YouTube channel, it's always nice to have a direction in mind which yours seems to be advertising Neo Lemmix to those who may not know about it.
I feel like my channel's Neo Lemmix tool tutorials has drawn quite a bit of traffic towards this site.

Don't worry, it's ok to talk about YT channels on here. You've put it in the right forum as well.

I can't wait to see what videos you come up with :)
Title: Re: Nessy's YouTube Channel
Post by: Nessy on September 29, 2017, 12:04:22 AM
Thanks Flopsy. I just realized that once I complete this video I can embed it into the home page of the NeoLemmix website. I think that would be a great addition to the website as new people would be able to see the NeoLemmix features in action instead of just reading about it.
Title: Re: Nessy's YouTube Channel
Post by: Nessy on September 29, 2017, 12:21:46 AM
Oops, I forgot to mention something :-[.

My original idea was to use some fan-made levels to showcase the NeoLemmix features instead of only the official ones to keep it interesting. However, I think I'm going to make small, simple levels and use them as "stages" for showcasing the NeoLemmix features and skills. I'm going to make another section that showcases fan-made levels because I would really like to show new people what the community has done. If I decide to show a clip of fan-made levels it might just be very quick clips of me playing through them "stupidly" as to not give away the solution. That, or just show an image of them. I don't know yet. I might not even do it, but I'm open to suggestions.
Title: Re: Nessy's YouTube Channel
Post by: Simon on September 29, 2017, 07:32:14 AM
Zoom into the action generously, and minimize dead screen space.

It's okay if the pixels become large blocks. It's not okay when viewer must squint to understand the feature explained. Prune all empty space, and instead zoom in more. Don't have dead space as marked in green here (http://www.lixgame.com/etc/rubix-deadspace.png).

Even when you show many ideas throughout the entire video, narrow focus to one idea at a time. Rubix nailed that well.

An exception to one-idea-at-a-time is some initial action to whet interest. My favorite example for this technique is Garden Gnome Carnage, How to play (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=o-o1nVjKejg). This video does so many things right, it's incredible.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Nessy's YouTube Channel
Post by: grams88 on September 30, 2017, 10:12:00 PM
Need to check your youtube Nessy, that's cool you are getting right involved in the lemmings community and doing the Neolemmix website and many other things.