I haven't looked at all the specifics yet, but I think I have a basic idea (but I haven't had a chance to test it yet) on how the levels will be drawn. But this is confusing me - how can I get it to save the levels into a basic level format? If anyone is interested in helping, I will release more details. By then I'll probably have this idea tested.
Umm... I don't know how much I cann help you because I'm a little confused as to what you're actually saying.
I don't think this is related to video games at all im my opinion.
It's actually related to the development of video games.
How can you get what to save the levels into a basic level format?
My idea is that the editor will draw a bunch of tiles on either a 16x16 grid or a 32x32 grid (not yet decided) But I need to figure out how to save the coordinates of these tiles so the level can be loaded up in the game project.
A bit late, but the easiest way to do something tile-based is pretty much as if it was a bitmap image, except with different numbers representing different tiles, rather than different colour pixels. Use 0000 for an empty space. Depending on how many there are, you may or may not also want to do objects this way.