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Lemmings Boards => Lemmings Main => Topic started by: Clam on May 27, 2009, 05:07:12 AM

Title: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on May 27, 2009, 05:07:12 AM
I've long considered bringing this back, and with the new forum this seems like as good a time as any.

Firstly, the answer to the previous question:
Quote from: Simon
In L2, there are (at least) two levels that require just one skill usage. Which two?

Outdoor 1: Pa-tent-ly Obvious
Egypt 4: Spiralling DNA

Both can be completed with one twister.

Now, an easy one to kick this off again:

Name the only level in (DOS/Amiga) Lemmings/Oh No/Xmas that uses quotation marks in the title.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: LemSteven on May 27, 2009, 08:51:50 AM
Crazy 1 in ONML.  (Quote "That's a good level!")

How many different music compositions are there in the DOS version of Oh No! More Lemmings?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 27, 2009, 11:52:42 AM
Twelve. Six for SoundBlaster, six for Tandy sound.

Which is the last level in Oh No! More Lemmings's Wild rating to use the rocks-and-crystal style?

EDIT: Clam's right. My resources were out of whack.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on May 28, 2009, 04:53:05 AM
Eight. Four for SoundBlaster, four for Tandy sound.

Interesting... I've heard six different tracks in ONML, and I've never changed my settings.

Anyway, what's the etiquette regarding looking in the game to find the answers, or posting a question that is difficult to answer without checking (like yours, for example)?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on May 28, 2009, 05:02:37 AM
There's nothing you can do to stop anyone.  It's Lemmingdelica, Wild 19.

How many combined graphic sets are there in Lemmings and OhNo, and what are they?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on May 28, 2009, 06:09:39 AM
I presume you mean DOS version, and excluding the Xmas games? In that case, they are (using the Lemmix names):

Beast II
and possibly also the Prima Publishing level on the ONML bonus disk.

Which makes a total of 13, or 14 if you want to include that last one.

What is the greatest number of consecutive builderless levels in the original DOS games?
Trust me - you don't need to look this up. Think about it!
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: GuyPerfect on May 28, 2009, 07:58:08 AM
While I'm unable to answer strictly trivial questions regarding the DOS games and nothing but the DOS games, I do have some questions that could be asked.

Lemmings 2 contains a trap from one of DMA's other games. The game in question is actually responsible for the creation of Lemmings in the first place. What is the game's title?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 28, 2009, 08:39:25 AM
Answer to Guy:

Answer to Clam Spammer:
Wouldn't be the first few levels, would it? I'd guess six.

New question:
Who composed the music for the DOS version?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on May 28, 2009, 09:06:25 AM
Wouldn't be the first few levels, would it? I'd guess six.

Very good :thumbsup:

I'm afraid I don't know the answer to the next one.

Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: geoo on May 28, 2009, 04:13:04 PM
Not entirely sure, but I think it'd be Tim Wright?

If all exits were replaced by entrances and vice versa, with the new exits being moved down onto the nearmost terrain directly below, which ONML level would be solvable without using a single skill?
(I think this one might be doable without looking up, but I don't mind if anyone does.)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 28, 2009, 09:46:20 PM
Thunder-lemmings are go!

New Question:
If one Lemming builds a bridge, and one Lemming bashes it once it's finished, there's going to be either a short bridge or a bridge in two pieces.
However, due to the mechanics of the basher on the NES and GB, what percentage of bridge would be remaining?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: GuyPerfect on May 29, 2009, 01:44:30 AM
In all honesty, questions that are akin to "How many pixels are there in all Mayhem levels of the DOS version of Lemmings?" probably shouldn't be asked.

A question that you probably cannot answer:

The "Okay!" voice when you give a Lemming a skill in Lemmings 3D was used in one other situation in a later Lemmings game. What was it?

A more reasonable question:

If you need to prevent Lemmings from walking off a cliff but don't have any blockers and there aren't any walls, how can you get them to turn around?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 29, 2009, 03:34:59 AM
If you can't answer, don't post another question. Defeats the purpose of the format. If people need to do some research to get the answer, so be it.

But the answers to your questions:

1. In the Adventure of Lomax Lemming, at a checkpoint.

2. mine if there's enough terrain, then build so they don't go too far. If you only need to turn one Lemming, some versions let you build on a piece of metal terrain about two blocks, mine, then he'll turn.

Again, my question:
When you bash a bridge in Lemmings, you either get a shorter bridge or a hole through the middle.
However, on the NES the mechanics for the basher are different. What percentage of the bridge is left over when you bash it?
I'll make it multichoice, although there are enough YouTube videos so as to satisfy, and the ROM is on the Lemmings Archive.
A) - 25% - The basher takes out the majority
B) - 50% - The basher takes out half
C) - 100% - The basher destroys the whole bridge
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on May 29, 2009, 05:08:00 AM
C says that the basher did nothing.  If 100% of the bridge is still there, the bridge is not effected..

In all honesty, questions that are akin to "How many pixels are there in all Mayhem levels of the DOS version of Lemmings?" probably shouldn't be asked.

Agree here.

How many lemmings do you need to save in the first two levels of Fun?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 29, 2009, 05:57:30 AM
2, one each.

While I agree that question a question like "How many pixels are in a Mayhem level of DOS LemmingS" is a bit strange, mine isn't like that. All you need to do is watch a couple of Youtubes or play the game yourself to get my answer. Seeing as research is so hard for any one to do, the answer is B because the bridge is twice Lemming head height.

So my next question will require no research at all.

How do you spell the word 'Lemmings'?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on May 29, 2009, 06:22:49 AM
I didn't think your question was too bad, but you do need to keep in mind that some of us haven't played some different versions of Lemmings (as opposed to the DOS version that we all know about). Everyone likes easy questions though, so I'll take this one:

capital L
lowercase e
lowercase m
lowercase m
lowercase i
lowercase n
lowercase g
lowercase s

Now don't go telling me it was a trick question :XD:

In DOS Lemmings, how long does it take for a lemming to walk the length of the screen, to the nearest second (game time, not actual time), assuming there are no obstacles or elevation changes?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 29, 2009, 06:25:54 AM
Owing to how there's the Lemmings Archive with most of the versions of Lemmings 1 on there, I don't think my question was too hard. After all, it takes a couple of clicks to download something but a few hundred keystrokes to complain about it instead.

I'll leave the answer for yours up to someone else, I fear I might be answering too many.  :P
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: GuyPerfect on May 29, 2009, 08:49:23 PM
There's a problem with suggesting people break the law rather than refuse to answer questions like "How many comments are in the source code for the Amiga version of Lemmings 2?" A Lemmings-centric quiz does not have to ask questions about specifics of game mechanics, specifics of levels in certain games, or select information that only a handful of people would be able to know. Instead of "How many Grenade pick-ups are there in all levels of Lemmings Chronicles?" ask something like "Other than descending walls safely, what practical use does the Slider skill have?"
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 30, 2009, 04:13:54 AM
I'm sorry, but who died and made you quiz master?

I thought a Lemmings quiz asked questions about Lemmings. I asked about the NES version. It was about Lemmings. All I asked is how much of a bridge is remaining when a basher bashes through it in that version. It's not a hard question. You simply play the game and find out.

Regarding your question about the slider skill, that's just as closed as my question. My question was about one version of Lemmings. Your question was about one sequel of Lemmings (and you didn't mention which version either, because the usefulness of the Slider changes in the Game Boy version of L2). My question was about a skill. Your question is about a skill.

In order to answer your question, I'd have to play the game and find out what practical use the Slider has apart from descending walls safely. So what makes your question so special that it warrants me having to go find out the answer, but my question is so vile because ... you would have to do the same thing.

If there's a general assumption that all references to games are the DOS version, that's unfair. I'm much more used to the Sega Master System and PSP versions. Some will be used to the SNES versions. Some will be used to ... etc. I don't think I went out of line in specifying that I referred to the NES version. So you haven't played the NES version? Well, ... go play it.

Gotta do some research? Well, how sad too bad. My question was about Lemmings, one version yes but each version is different, and I think it's unfair for you to tell me that I have to assume that the quiz is solely about the DOS version. There's a certain amount of hypocrisy if I can't pose a certain kind of question, but you can.

By the way, the answer about the Slider skill is that to make Runners not hop over gaps but rather drop. I had to play the game to find that out. I had to do some research. All I had to do was open DOSBox. It wasn't hard. I got the answer and I posted it.

Now, I'll post a question.

In the DOS version of All New World of Lemmings, clicking the Classic Lemming on the roof of the airship makes him fall off and say the classic "Oh No!". In the Amiga version, he says something different. What does he say?

That isn't a hard question. You all have the capability to do some research. Someone out there will already know the answer. Instead of complaining that you don't know the answer, why not just FIND OUT or LET SOMEONE ELSE ANSWER.



Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: GuyPerfect on May 30, 2009, 07:27:26 AM
Your Builder question focuses on intricacies of game mechanics to an extent that indeed does amount to counting pixels. I have played each Lemmings game, as well as the NES version of Lemmings, and knowing how many pixels of a bridge a Basher takes out would require me to download--again, illegally--the game and try it out. If I never played the game that'd be one thing, as I shouldn't be expected to have a clue to any questions asked about it, but otherwise I shouldn't have to wonder how various ports of a program are coded differently. It's like comparing SeaMonkey to FireFox and asking which one renders SVG faster... and then calling it a quiz.

Any assumption that a question refers to a specific version of a game is indeed unfair. If a question relates to a particular version, it should be stated in the question itself.

Sliders can indeed stop Runners from leaping gaps. They can also make a Lemming turn around if the wall doesn't go all the way to the ground, whereas a Floater will keep walking in the same direction. The question requires only a fundamental knowledge of any version of Lemmings 2; no pixels counted.

I don't happen to know what the Amiga Classic Lemming says when he falls off the arc. I have no intention of complaining about it, as it's not something I'll need to bust out a calculator and magnifying glass to determine. I'm also not willing to break the law in order to find out, so I'll let someone else answer. Now that's using my BRAINS.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 30, 2009, 08:31:30 AM
I have played each Lemmings game, as well as the NES version of Lemmings, and knowing how many pixels of a bridge a Basher takes out would require me to download--again, illegally--the game and try it out.

If you've played it, you wouldn't have forgotten the tile-based mechanics. Since a bridge is two tiles high, a Lemming bashing through it would take out one tile (being one tile high themselves).

If I never played the game that'd be one thing, as I shouldn't be expected to have a clue to any questions asked about it

If I may paraphrase, that means that you wouldn't know for the sake of argument about something. I think we can generally agree that given such a scenario, that would be the basic argument. So if you didn't know, there are two options as I see it.
I don't think you did either of these. Instead, you said that a question like mine shouldn't be asked and changed the question to one of your own. I hold this is unfair behaviour, because someone else may have known the answer and could make their own question.

Any assumption that a question refers to a specific version of a game is indeed unfair. If a question relates to a particular version, it should be stated in the question itself.

Well, we agree there then.

Sliders can indeed stop Runners from leaping gaps. They can also make a Lemming turn around if the wall doesn't go all the way to the ground, whereas a Floater will keep walking in the same direction.

Just like my question was about one version, your question is about one game. There is a gap, but it's fundamentally the same idea as they are two releases.

The question requires only a fundamental knowledge of any version of Lemmings 2; no pixels counted.

The GameBoy version has no slider. Again, my question requires no pixel counting.

I don't happen to know what the Amiga Classic Lemming says when he falls off the arc.

That's cool. No worries, eh?

I have no intention of complaining about it, as it's not something I'll need to bust out a calculator and magnifying glass to determine.

That compound sentence was composed to contradictory phrases. Also, you don't need to use a calculator and magnifying glass to listen to something.

I'm also not willing to break the law in order to find out, so I'll let someone else answer. Now that's using my BRAINS.

Absolutely correct, that is indeed the ideal solution (to not break the law). That is using your brains, I concur. We should remove all the downloads of all the Lemmings games from the Lemmings Archive. We could do as most other websites do, and only offer the distributable trial versions.
In addition, there's other options for researching an answer. They may produce results, they may not produce results. Still, Google doesn't exist just to make web browsers and provide email addresses to Nigerian scam artists.

You know, I don't usually like to be argumentative and I apologise for my behaviour in my previous post. However, it still occurs to me that sweeping my question away was still unfair, as somebody else could have answered. So you don't like the question, I can understand. You know what that means, of course.

Just don't answer it.

I still want to know if anyone can answer the current question: "In DOS Lemmings 3, the Classic Lemming cries "Oh no!" when he falls off the Ark. In Amiga Lemmings 3, he says something else. What does he say?" I'll give a clue: The Shadow tribe says it as they jump out of the Ark in the Amiga introduction video. This video can be seen on YouTube. I think Lemmy556 posted it.

Someone may know. I'm going to let them answer it. Then they can ask their question. That's how it works.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on May 30, 2009, 08:46:16 AM
Sorry GP, I'm with Jason on this. Between the regular posters on this forum (however few of us there are nowadays :() we should have some experience of all the major ports, so there should be someone here who can answer each question, however version-specific. And if not then the questioner can ask again :).

To anyone who reads this thread - if you know the answer, go ahead and post it. Otherwise, this little problem we've run into isn't likely to get any better.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on May 31, 2009, 02:19:24 AM
Dullstar, can I just say that you completely missed the point of my analogy? Yes, I will say that because you did.

If nobody has an answer to my question, the answer is "Geronimo!"

New question:
The maximum amount of Lemmings allowed in the Amiga version of the original is 100. It was dropped to a different number for the DOS version. What number is this? It should be well known, it's the difference between a Lemmix level and a CustLemm level.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on May 31, 2009, 06:30:28 PM
80 lemmings!

What level in the rating "FUN" has a part where the lemmings do nothing but walk for a large part of the level on a 100% solution is the Amiga version?

HINT:  Try looking at the Lemmings Encyclopedia
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: LemSteven on June 01, 2009, 04:14:38 AM
I'd have to say Fun 19:  "Take good care of my Lemmings."

Trying to avoid intricate version-specific details, here is my next question:

What do these eleven ONML levels all have in common?  (And no, you cannot say they are all in Crazy)

Crazy 1, Crazy 2, Crazy 3, Crazy 7, Crazy 11, Crazy 12, Crazy 13, Crazy 14, Crazy 15, Crazy 16, Crazy 17
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 04:20:53 AM
They all use the Brick style.

What is the cultural reference behind Worra Lorra Lemmings?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 04:39:00 AM

I'm going to start a thread about this stuff, so these questions can be answered more easily.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on June 01, 2009, 04:48:11 AM
Hey, I just read about this somewhere! Can't remember where exactly, but anyway...

It's "what a lot of lemmings", spoken with a thick Scottish accent. Presumably intended in a derogatory manner :P
(edit) and something to do with Cilla Black? Whoever that is. :P

Now for a mathematical question. Hopefully you people aren't too bad at maths...
In my level "The Square Route of Lemmings", I set the number of lemmings, percentage to be saved, skills and time limit to be perfect squares. (For those that don't know, a "perfect square" is what you get when you multiply a whole number by itself.) In this case there are 16 lemmings (42), and you need to save 81% (92 - this is a rounded down value, but don't worry about this).

My question is: In a level with 25 (52) lemmings, how many ways are there of making the percentage to be saved a perfect square? (Not including 0% - there'd be no point in making a level where you don't have to save anyone ;))
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 09:26:27 AM
Discounting 12 (rescuing one Lemming out of 25 would just be pathetic :P)...

22 = 4 lemmings
32 = 9 lemmings
42 = 16 lemmings
52 = 25 lemmings

Results in four.

Cilla Black was indeed the answer I was looking for, and it certainly is What a lot of Lemmings. Worra Lorra's somewhat of a catchphrase for her accent.

New question:
Take a listen to my XMas Lemmings Tandy tracks on my YouTube page: http://youtube.com/zapzupnz
Having done that, tell me what song the name of the traditional song is to the track which I personally titled Christmas Bonus? It's a Christmas song, yes, but which one?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on June 01, 2009, 09:33:41 AM
Discounting 12 (rescuing one Lemming out of 25 would just be pathetic :P)...

22 = 4 lemmings
32 = 9 lemmings
42 = 16 lemmings
52 = 25 lemmings

Results in four.

I thought my wording was fairly clear here... I said the PERCENTAGE has to be a square, not the number of lemmings. I'll let you away with it since for 25 lemmings it amounts to the same thing. (Each lemming is 4%, which is a square. A square times a square is - funnily enough - another square.)

Monospaced font for links? Now that's an interesting idea.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 09:46:23 AM
Ah, sorry. Then the answer is...

4% - one Lemming (still a pathetic level :P) which is 12
16% - four Lemmings which is 42
36% - nine Lemmings which is 92]/sup]
64% - sixteen Lemmings which is 162]/sup]
100% of course, 252

I'll repost my question for the benefit of repairing my interruption:
Take a listen to my XMas Lemmings Tandy tracks on my YouTube page: http://youtube.com/zapzupnz[/font]]http://youtube.com/zapzupnz

Having done that, tell me what song the name of the traditional song is to the track which I personally titled Christmas Bonus? It's a Christmas song, yes, but which one?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Adam on June 01, 2009, 03:32:30 PM
That song would be either Tempus Adest Floridum or Good King Wenceslas, depending on which answer you wanted!

As reluctant as I am to post a version specific question, I'm going to. I shall help you out by saying that the answer will be contained in this playlist.

On the Sega Master System version, which is the first level to have more than 20 builders available?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 09:25:43 PM
What's with all the version specific questions?!
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 09:47:18 PM
Because not specifying a version assumes the DOS version. This is again version specific, but without saying. That's more unfair than actually specifying one.

People, please remember that Lemmings was/is commercially available on over 30 platforms. Not everyone played the DOS/Amiga versions first. Me and Adam played the Sega Master System versions first. I know somebody who has only played the SNES version.

Each version has its own peculiarities centred around the mechanics and redesign of certain stages. To ask the question "What level features three giant numeral sixes?" will not even make sense to somebody who has played the Macintosh version which is a fairly standard port. Or to ask the question "What level has an alternate tileset based on the game 'BEAST'?" would make no sense to somebody who has only played the Windows 3.1/95 version. Even questions about skills may not transfer, such as the one I answered earlier about the Slider in Lemmings 2 (the Game Boy version has no slider).

So, most questions you may ask will be in some way version specific. The reason why it seems more pronounced lately is because we're bothering to mention exactly which versions our questions apply to. After all, the first level to have more than 20 builders probably varies (the NES version never gives more than 14 skills, for example).

There hasn't been some increase in questions. We're just being bothered to be clearer on what we mean. In the end, this can only be a good thing. :)

I appeal to everyone, if you want to ask a question about DOS Lemmings, say so. It is not fair to make us assume DOS Lemmings if we are unfamiliar with it.

For the sake of repairing an interruption, I'll repost Adam's question:
On the Sega Master System version, which is the first level to have more than 20 builders available?
You can find the answer at http://www.youtube.com/SMSLemmings, Adam's YouTube resource for Sega Master System Lemmings. To cheat even further, check out the playlist at http://www.youtube.com/view_play_list?p=58CD920B2A89D2DB.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 10:15:26 PM
Not DOS specific.  There are only slight differences between DOS and Amiga, and some ports are like, practically the same.

Sega Master System - Fun 22 - Go for it (33 builders).

Fine, fine, fine, if that's how you guys are going to be.

What does the graffiti in the SNES port of Don't do anything too Hasty say?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 10:36:18 PM
It says PARADISE ->

New question:
For Egypt 10 of Lemmings 2, Pyramid of Despair, for DOS/Amiga at least (not sure, but the console versions bar Game Boy should be the same)...
What is the minimum amount of skills for ANY platform you need to assign to complete this level?

I'll actually give you the answer: http://tle.vaarties.nl/lemmings2/solutions/amiga/egyptian/1/10/

Good luck.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 10:47:28 PM

How many builders do you get in the Amiga version of the rating Mayhem total?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 11:00:22 PM
415 builders.

New question:
The Ascending Pillar Scenario is a repeat stage of which Tricky level?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 11:08:13 PM
Been there, seen it, done it.

By the way, Jason, I think you were one builder off, but you were close enough and it MIGHT have been me who added wrong.  One of us most have either missed or added in a builder, because I got 416, even when checking it with a calculator.  But let's not carry that on...

What is the average of the number of level groups (difficulty ratings in two of these games) of the following Lemmings games?  Just in case there are any version differences here, let me point out that this is for Amiga/DOS.

Lemmings 2
Lemmings 3
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 11:12:40 PM

Chains are featured in two graphic sets, one for Lemmings, one for Oh No! More Lemmings.

Which are these sets?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Adam on June 01, 2009, 11:13:55 PM
Brick and Fire!

In the Amiga version, how many levels are not repeated?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 11:19:46 PM
Jason, you got my previous question wrong.

4 ratings in Lemmings.
5 ratings in ONML
12 tribes in Lemmings 2
3 tribes in Lemmings 3

Maybe I should clarify that you can use a calculator for this if you wish.
Remember, average is adding all the numbers together, and dividing by the number of numbers you added together.
Despite spelling differences, I don't think our two versions of English have different counting systems.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 11:25:31 PM
4 plus 5 is 9.
9 plus 12 is 21.
21 plus 3 is 24.
24 divided by 4 is 8.

The answer is 8.

You did ask for the average, after all.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Dullstar on June 01, 2009, 11:41:24 PM
Wait a minute.  Inverse of 24/4 is x*4=24.
8 times 4 is 32.  Did you check your work with a calculator?
It's 6.
Last time I checked, 24 divided by 4 is 6.  That's what any given calculator will give you.

Don't believe me?  Click here!
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 01, 2009, 11:46:43 PM
You're right. I kept tapping 8 on my numeric keypad by mistake. Typo! It is 6 indeed.
In my defence, the keypad is the awful thing on my laptop where you need to hold the Fn key and the numbers aren't aligned in a straight line and etc.

So anyway, repeating Adam's question:
How many levels are not repeated for the Amiga version of Lemmings?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: GuyPerfect on June 02, 2009, 07:18:13 AM
So, most questions you may ask will be in some way version specific.

I think you're looking at the situation from a very narrow point of view. Consider the following question:

If there are two Lemmings walking in the same direction, one right after the other, and the first one begins to build a bridge over a gap, how can you keep the second one from falling into the gap before the bridge is completed?

Should I specify a game version for such a question? I mean, maybe I was talking about the DOS version of ONML, or perhaps I was referring to Lemmings Revolution? And was the bridge made with a Builder or a Platformer? How many of these factors have any real bearing on the question?

The point here is that there are other kinds of questions besides straight-out trivia that pertains only to a particular game or even a particular level in a game. Game versions may not even be applicable to a question, so I don't think it's appropriate to assume that most questions will need to specify one.

[...] even when checking it with a calculator.

Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: The Doctor on June 02, 2009, 09:07:15 AM
You know what, I'll just make a new thread so we can have general questions and specific questions over there. That sound fair?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Adam on June 02, 2009, 03:24:46 PM
Third time lucky...

How many levels are not repeated for the Amiga version of Lemmings?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Minim on September 16, 2009, 04:12:27 PM
After a long while I've answered Adam's question and also, I'm bumping the topic up for new users to join in the fun.

Fun 3, Fun 22, Tricky 1, 14, 20, 21, 24, 25, 27-29, Taxing 2, 4-5, 12-16, 20-21, 24, 26-28, Mayhem 1-2, 8, 12, 14, 16-18, 22-23, 27-30.

39 levels (Including the Just a minutes because of different templates)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Proxima on September 16, 2009, 04:16:05 PM
You forgot Mayhem 10. There are 40 repeated levels, 40 repeats of those levels, and 40 unique levels.

Which is the first Tricky level, other than We all fall down, that requires 100%? (DOS version)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: chaos_defrost on September 16, 2009, 07:58:27 PM
Off the top of my head, I think Postcard from Lemmingland is the first. I know almost all the "early" Tricky levels are early versions of later hard levels, which don't require 100%. Maybe I missed one, don't know.

EDIT: I just checked and that appears to be right so here goes:

What's the only level in DOS/Amiga Lemming to give you exactly 21 of one type of skill, and which skill is it?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: LemSteven on September 17, 2009, 02:18:52 AM
I believe "Pea Soup" has exactly 21 diggers.  (I have no idea why, though)

If you assign the Attractor skill in the Shadow Tribe of Lemmings 2 (DOS version), what musical instrument does the lemming play?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Minim on September 17, 2009, 04:05:06 PM
Organ? Not sure if I'm right though, I'll ask the next question.

I believe "Pea Soup" has exactly 21 diggers.  (I have no idea why, though)

I was thinking, you use a digger to break the staircase, then the rest of the diggers are used to land on each pea while you build.

In DOS Original lemmings how many Tricky levels have water?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Pooty on September 17, 2009, 05:10:46 PM
The Shadow tribe's attractor is one lemming bashing two large cymbals together. I remember laughing at how the lemmings should be sneaky and quiet, and there's that one lemming trying to be as noisy as possible. :P
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: chaos_defrost on September 19, 2009, 03:28:02 AM
Is there a question on the table? If not...

The ZX Spectrum version of Lemmings's final level is, terrain-wise, extremely similar (but not quite the same) as what level of Amiga/DOS Lemmings?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Minim on September 19, 2009, 06:23:12 AM
Ooh... this is gonna take a wild guess.

Have a nice day.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Pooty on September 19, 2009, 11:45:23 AM
I know this. It's Taxing 02: Watch out, there's traps about.

I don't have any questions to throw out right now, so i'm calling open floor.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Proxima on September 19, 2009, 12:15:03 PM
Which is the next level after "Keep your hair on, Mr Lemming" to contain one-way walls? (DOS version)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Minim on September 19, 2009, 01:43:05 PM
Level 24: Konbanwa Lemmings san

You haven't answered this question yet:

In DOS Original lemmings how many Tricky levels have water?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Proxima on September 19, 2009, 02:38:57 PM
That's because you hadn't answered the previous question correctly, so it wasn't your turn. However, it's your turn now so you can re-ask that question if you like. :)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: DoubleU on October 30, 2011, 09:54:20 PM
In DOS Original lemmings how many Tricky levels have water?
I'm cheating with The Lemmings Encyclopedia, but am I really?  I've played the DOS version before so I know some of the differences.

Tricky levels 3, 5, 8, 10, 11, 16, 17(?), 19, 22(?), 30.

I guessed on some, please tell me if I'm right.

Identify as many traps and other features from both original Lemmings (aka Lemmings 1) and ONML that are never seen outside of one level.  (For example, the boulder-smashing trap is unique to Mayhem 30, Rendevous at the Mountain.)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on October 30, 2011, 10:55:42 PM
Lemmings Encyclopedia isn't exactly useful for this; the correct answer is 7, but I had to cheat and use Lemmix because I have no idea whatsoever... (I 'grew up on' the Mac version, which has water in all the 'correct' places – even the replacement for Tricky 21 has water to compensate) You got levels 5, 8, 10, 17 and 22 wrong, and missed 25 and 28. ("Lost Something?" is a bit of a curveball because the DOS version gets rid of most of the water but not the small bit directly under the entrance. "Cascade" only has water to the left of the entrance, and not over the entire level, so they didn't get rid of it.)

Anyway, traps from Lemmings that are only seen in one level:
the wall spikes (technically two distinct traps) from Taxing 4
the ground zapper from Taxing 28
the tesla coil from Mayhem 23
the boulder from Mayhem 30
There's also a trap in the crystal tileset that isn't used at all.

I can't think of any for ONML, but I'm willing to bet that I've overlooked one. I was about to say one of the iguana traps, but I can think of multiple levels with both versions of those in it.
Edit: had a more thorough check for ONML by actually looking through what traps are in each style of level and I don't think there are any.

My quiz question (which I think I may have posted on a previous incarnation of the board, many years ago):
Name the six levels in Lemmings and ONML with either a Q or an X in the title. Spoiler alert: there are three of each.

(For a bonus, you can also do Holiday Lemmings and Lemmings 2... I'm just gonna check them! :P)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on October 31, 2011, 12:47:27 AM
We had a bit of a competition on IRC to answer this question without cheating with Lemmix. Answers:

Call in the bomb squad
Quote: "That's a good level"
Just a quicky
X marks the spot
Get a little extra help
Lemming Express

New question: Which level in L1 starts your view at the left edge of the map? (i.e. screen start x = 0)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on October 31, 2011, 01:02:22 AM
I would guess "Hunt the Nessy" off top of my head w/o cheating.

[edit: apparently I'm wrong.  It was the other obvious level, which for some reason I keep mistakenly thinking (spoilers) starts on the far right]
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on October 31, 2011, 01:11:18 AM
Good guess, but no. (That level starts you at x = 112)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: DragonsLover on October 31, 2011, 02:30:24 AM
What do you mean by "cheating"? By looking at the level or the encyclopedia?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on October 31, 2011, 03:20:14 AM
I guessed Rendezvous at the Mountain from memory, and geoo confirmed I was right.

Edit: Solve at least any one of the following. Don't force yourself to look up all three if you know just one before answering, I'll post answers to all three later anyway.
Extra question out of interest, not necessary to advance the quiz: If you click the rate buttons or press the hotkeys, the RR changes by an erratic amount (sometimes 1, sometimes 3 or 4 I think). How does the game determine this amount? I don't know it myself, maybe an L1 disassembly guru knows it.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on October 31, 2011, 07:19:16 AM
What do you mean by "cheating"? By looking at the level or the encyclopedia?

Pretty much that, yeah. The quiz is more fun if you can work out the answer for yourself, rather than looking it up. What exactly constitutes "cheating" depends on the question - for my one in particular, looking through all the levels in-game would be cheating (and not much fun in this case, since the correct answer is the final level :P). Looking up TLE would be somewhat cheating, since you can roughly figure out the screen-start from the level images.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on October 31, 2011, 10:01:00 AM
  • At release rate 1, how many frames/physics updates have to pass after a spawn until the next lemming spawns?
  • RR 50 is the same as either RR 49 or 51. Which one is the same?
  • If a lem spawns at RR 1 and you immediately raise to RR 99, do you have to wait until the next spawn as long as like with RR 1 or RR 99?
Extra question out of interest, not necessary to advance the quiz: If you click the rate buttons or press the hotkeys, the RR changes by an erratic amount (sometimes 1, sometimes 3 or 4 I think). How does the game determine this amount? I don't know it myself, maybe an L1 disassembly guru knows it.

Are you really doing this for the quiz game, or just a coy way to ask me? ;P

I think I'll have to recuse myself from these questions since arguably, I had already cheated when I went through the L1 disassembly. ;)  (Indeed, I'd think it'd be far more fun to see someone else besides me trying to answer these questions.)  At the same time, unforunately I don't have an answer to your extra question either :-\; the input-handling parts of the PC game programming tend to be a bit messy to decipher.  It's a good thing the PC version allows you to change the RR with the game paused given the erraticness.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on October 31, 2011, 11:08:04 AM
Hmm, only the extra question was asked with that in mind. :) The middle and last question are probably too hard to answer from memory for people who haven't written such a game themselves, but the first one should be doable. The middle question is actually a hint for the first; two successive RRs are the same, but three aren't.

Requiring all three to be answered correctly is probably too harsh, I will edit that a bit.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on October 31, 2011, 11:36:28 AM
I know that if a lemming comes out of the entrance and the RR is 1, the delay before the next lemming will be the correct number of pixels/frames for RR1, no matter how soon you raise the rate to 99 – raising the rate only affects when the next but one lemming will come out. Is that what you're asking in #3?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on October 31, 2011, 11:56:34 AM
Yep, correct. :)

Answer to the first question is 53. At RR 99, the spawn interval is 4. RR 99 minus RR 1 is a difference of 98 RR points = 49 physics updates. So RR 1 = spawn interval of 4 + 49 = 53.

Answer to the second question is RR 51. An even RR is the same as the next faster odd RR.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on October 31, 2011, 02:55:07 PM
I got it right? Ok, fair enough. Now I want you to name as many levels as you can with a number in the title. I will expect all of the possible ones from Lemmings and ONML, and see how many you can get from L2 and Holiday and other versions too...  :D
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Gronkling on October 31, 2011, 04:02:54 PM
I got it right? Ok, fair enough. Now I want you to name as many levels as you can with a number in the title. I will expect all of the possible ones from Lemmings and ONML, and see how many you can get from L2 and Holiday and other versions too...  :D

Be more than just a number  :evil:

Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on October 31, 2011, 04:44:21 PM
Konbanwa Lemming-san
All the 6's
Compression Method 1
One way or another
Just a minute Part Two
24-hour Lemathon
Five Alive
Four Play (Holiday)
Two Ponds (Genesis)
Fall and no Life Part Two (Genesis)
22934 (L2)

Will edit this when I remember more.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on October 31, 2011, 07:09:09 PM
Konbanwa Lemming-san

geoo fed you that one didn't he? ;)  Cute, but it's kinda like saying "X Marks the Spot" counts because X is also roman numeral for 10. :-\

I'd like to add this one to the list for Genesis:

5mile if you love lemmings
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Clam on October 31, 2011, 07:19:26 PM
Don't forget G1ued to the Goal! :D
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on October 31, 2011, 08:59:35 PM
Konbanwa Lemming-san
Uh, no, unless you're pointing out that "san" as an honorific and "san" as 'three' are homophones in Japanese...
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Gronkling on October 31, 2011, 09:44:04 PM
I'll add some proper ones now.  :P

And then there were four...
We are now at lemcom one
Try anything once? (gen)
One way digging to freedom
Watch you step (part two) (gen)
Which one are you trying to get (gen)
Triple trouble?
Ozone friendly lemmings?? (not really)
Last one out is a rotten egg!
Move on in two seperate groups (gen)
Be more than just a number
Watch right or left (part two) (gen)
Two different worlds (gen)
All the SEGA levels (SMS)
Libra (part two) (gen)
None title? (gen)
Oh no its the 4TH DIMESION!
Everyone turn left (part two) (gen)
Two heads are better (gen)
Just a minute (part three) (gen)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on October 31, 2011, 10:34:24 PM
Try anything once? (gen)
Triple trouble?
None title? (gen)

I guess it'll be up to finlay to determine whether such words count as "numbers".
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on October 31, 2011, 11:57:58 PM
Heheheh, I think you've probably got most of these... a few missing I guess so I'll put it in spoilers if you want to look for more. Here's my full list:

Quote from: Spoiler

L1: Compression Method 1; A BeastII of a level; Just a minute (Part Two); We are now at LEMCON ONE; One way digging to freedom; Last one out is a rotten egg!; One way or another; Here's one I prepared earlier; All the 6's...; And then there were four....
[Bonus: If at first you don't succeed..; Triple Trouble – but I wouldn't normally count these.]
There are also two 2 player levels: level 12, The Crystal Cavern Mark II & level 20, We're in this one together

ONML: 24 Hour Lemathon; Oh no! It's the 4TH DIMENSION!; ROCKY VI; Five alive; Be more than just a number + 2 player level 9, One On One

XMAS: Four Play (Frost 10); 2 Minutes before midnight (Frost 13); Happy New Year II! (Frost 14); Rendezvous II (Hail 14); 32 Lemmings Below Zero (Flurry 10); Presents of Mind II (Blizzard 8)

L2: Two's Company.... (Egyptian 1); G1ued to the Goal! (Egyptian 2); 22934 (Outdoor 9)

L1-Gen: 5 miles if you love Lemmings (Fun 10); We are now at lemcom one (Fun 20); One way digging to freedom; Compression Method 1; Last one out is a rotten egg!; Two ponds (Mayhem 15); Two different worlds (Mayhem 18); A BeastII of a level; Just a Minute (Part Two); Libra (Part two) (Present 8); Watch your step (Part two). (Present 13); Which one are you trying to get? (Present 28); Everyone turn left (Part two) (Sunsoft 7); Watch right or left (Part two) (Sunsoft 22); Move on in two separate groups. (Sunsoft 23); Just a minute (Part Three) (Sunsoft 26); Two heads are better... (Sunsoft 27); Fall and no life (Part Two) (Sunsoft 30)

L3D: Hole in Ten (Fun 17); Attack of the Fifty Ft Lemmings (Fun 19); 3D - A Lemming Odyssey (Taxing 5); T Minus Five and Counting (Taxing 17); The Five Arches (Mayhem 1); Five Towers (Mayhem 8); Hole in One, Two, Three! (Mayhem 15)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 04, 2011, 02:50:12 AM
Keep it going, this is a good thread! Anyone have any quiz questions they'd like to pose?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on November 04, 2011, 09:56:58 AM
Here's a fun one that should inspire many wrong guesses (no cheating please):

What is the last level in Lemmings that is an "N of every skill" level?  How about ONML?
(using the usual level ordering, by rating and then by number)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on November 04, 2011, 01:09:53 PM
Mayhem 3 (It's hero time) has 1 of each. The Mayhem Vgaspec level doesn't have N of each.
ONML is very likely Tame 20... I'm unsure about the skillsets of Wild 3 (builder level I forgot the name of) and Wicked 2 (Introducing Superlemming), and Wicked something (It's the 4th dimension).

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 04, 2011, 05:58:04 PM
It's not Tame 20; at the very least, "On the Antarctic Coast" has 5 of every skill, and that's in Crazy. Also, I don't think it is that; I feel certain there is one later in the game.

As for Mayhem, again I feel certain there is one later than Mayhem 3 but I can't think which level it would be.

(gonna cheat now to satisfy my curiosity)

Quote from: Spoiler
OK, i've just looked it up, and I was actually thinking the correct answer for Mayhem and just didn't write it down because I wasn't certain. Poo. :XD:
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on November 04, 2011, 08:51:07 PM
Hmm, I'm getting a distinct feeling that my question isn't getting a lot of participation, perhaps partly due to the nature of its answers. :-\

I'll leave that around a while longer to give people more time, but in the meanwhile, let's keep things rolling with a more productive question:

let's start with that, and then when I have time maybe we can extend the question to cover more ports and more Lemmings games.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on November 05, 2011, 01:12:40 AM
X marks the spot = I've lost that lemming feeling
The Prison!
Pillars of Hercules
all 20 two-player levels

geoo: "Nnaaah, the challenge is hard. There's probably another hidden exit in Lost something." ONML should be easier to list, there's exactly one such level per non-Tame rating:

No Problemming
You take the high road
Down the tube
Synchronized Lemming
all 10 ONML two-player levels

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 05, 2011, 01:37:55 AM
Is that it? it feels like it should be more... (oh no, I remember why: "Going Their Separate Ways" is the replacement for Tricky 21 on the Mac and it has two exits)

I'm fairly certain there are no other hidden exits anywhere, incidentally... I do remember specifically checking a few levels for it including Lost something.

As for other ports, here's the list for L3D:
Fun 12 - Alpine Assault Course (2)
Tricky 1 - Jelly Climber (4)
Tricky 2 - Which Exit? (4)
Taxing 3 - Let the Race Begin (4)
Taxing 9 - Which Trampoline? (2)
Mayhem 4 - Ski Jump (2)
Mayhem 5 - The Prisoner (4)
Mayhem 7 - Driving Range (3)
L3D is a bit different from L1 and ONML because frequently there are exits which are inaccessible, so it's unclear whether you can even exit the level using them – this is true of "Alpine Assault Course", "Jelly Climber", "Which Exit?" and "Which Trampoline?". Of the others, "Let the Race Begin", "The Prisoner" and "Driving Range" have three or four separate groups with an exit each, and it's made impossible for one group of lemmings to enter another's exit (somewhat like "No Problemming" – the only one from the original games with an inaccessible exit – "You take the high road" and "Synchronised Lemming"), and only "Ski Jump" actually has a choice between two exits (it's the difference between making a right-turner or a left-turner, though, not very important)... while in L1, all the levels with multiple exits had a straight choice between going to one or the other.

I quite like "Going Their Separate Ways" (not least because All the 6s is a bit disappointing and not very difficult) because it utilises a streaming technique by separating climbers who go to one exit and floaters who go to the other, which isn't a technique you see very often used in Lemmings.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on November 05, 2011, 02:08:18 AM
Good job to Simon. 8) He answered first and has gotten it all, although technically, I specifically said PC Lemmings and there are no two-player levels in that version.

And yes, I specifically said PC version because I remember "Going their Separate Ways" on the Mac.  I probably should've made that a bonus question but then again, not enough people here who played the Mac version.

I noticed the same thing Finlay did when I compile the list, that the Lemmings ones actually provide multiple exits as choices for a single group of lemmings, while the ONML ones with the exception of "Down the Tube" are set up as one exit per group.


I can come up with more questions, but I think I'll pass the ball to someone else for the next one, unless there's no participation.  I'll also post the answers to my original question (about N of everything) next day (ie. 12-24 hours from now) if anyone still cares about that. :-\
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 05, 2011, 02:53:58 AM
I know the answer, but I looked it up, so I don't think I'm eligible. ;P

it's "The Fast Food Kitchen" – and I totally was thinking it might be the one but wasn't sure. Oh well. and I was right with "On the Antarctic Coast" for ONML

If nobody minds me asking the next one... can you name the other levels in ONML outside of Tame which have all 8 skills?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on November 05, 2011, 04:01:36 AM
Lemmings Revolution has levers and laser gates, which affect a remote area of the level already when a lem passes by (e.g. opening/closing doors and platforms). There is just one single level in all of the numerous other Lemmings IRS-type games (i.e. excluding Paintball and Lomax) featuring such a mechanism. Which level is it?

Also, I remember Ski Jump (Level 64 in L3D) has just one exit. The other thing that looks like an exit doesn't work as one. geoo raged. :D

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on November 05, 2011, 05:17:17 AM
Simon's question:  Lemmings 2 Sports 5 "Blow Back" (or at least that's what I think it's called), featuring a switch to turn off the gas.

I'm probably unable to completely answer Finlay's question, but we can start off with these 2 levels:

On the Antarctic Coast (of course)
Across the Gap

I also want to say "Creature Discomforts" but I think it lacks floaters.  There might be more but I haven't started actually trying to go through all the ONML levels in my head.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Minim on November 05, 2011, 08:48:23 AM
Actually they do have floaters (about 10) of them.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on November 05, 2011, 10:22:55 AM
Yes, Blow back in L2 is what I thought of. I figured the L3D teleporters might be the closest thing to qualify except for the single-level appearance requirement, since a pair is blocked while it's used.

Wild 2 (Lemming Hotel) should have all skills as well.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 05, 2011, 11:09:37 AM
cc got three of them and Simon got the last one. Hoorayy :thumbsup:
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: geoo on November 05, 2011, 11:51:19 AM
Woah honestly, out of the questions from the last three pages, Simon's triple-question about the RR was the only I could solve (ok, apart from perhaps the steam switch question which I could have got with a little bit of thought).
Name the levels that fit criterion X, especially if there's a dozen of them, is a bit too much for me. :XD:
(cc's N of each question was pretty nice though, I found the Orig one when browsing the level names list, but the ONML one is such an early and  nondescript level that when I saw the name in the list, I didn't even know what it looked like. And it made me realize how sparse one-of-each-skill levels are.)

Simon said I should pose a question anyway, so, as a follow-up to one of finlay's question (however with only one level fitting the criterion): There's a level in the Genesis version of Lemmings that has both an x and a q in the name. Which is it (hint: it's a level with a memorable design using only very few different terrain pieces).
(And if you haven't played the Genesis version, then this is an incentive to do so, because the replacement levels are quite a bit better than in the other versions on average.)

Alternative question (for those refusing to play the Genesis version): In Lemmings 2P mode, which exit belongs to the lemmings with the green hair and blue body? The one with the green or the blue flag?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 05, 2011, 12:11:37 PM
Quote from: Spoiler
Fix the road, quick!

also, the blue flag is for the blue-bodied lemmings... kinda makes sense really ;P
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on November 07, 2011, 12:47:37 PM
Okay, heeding geoo's call, here's another question outside of "name the levels":

It's fairly well-known that in many versions of Lemmings (PC, Amiga, SNES, Genesis, etc.--though not the Mac), left- and right- facing builders are not symmetric in their behavior:  the placement of the build brick relative to the lemming's standing position are not mirror images for left and right.  This is also position-independent; that is, the asymmetry is consistent regardless of the lemming's actual position in the level.

Identify another position-independent asymmetric lemmings behavior.  (I'm pretty sure this is present on most of the common versions, but since I don't have to time to actually check every version, let's say the PC version.)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: geoo on November 07, 2011, 01:12:39 PM
Should be the bomber. The bomber mask is not fully symmetric, however is it not mirrored when the lemming that explodes is walking in a different direction, so the behavior is asymmetric relative to the lemming.

Next question (it's probably not as hard as it looks if you have some geographical knowledge):
Which of the following territories belonging to Norway feature the Norway Lemming (lemmus lemmus)? Multiple answers are possible:
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on November 07, 2011, 08:58:57 PM
geoo answered my question correctly. 8)

I suck at geography so definitely abstaining from the latest question. :XD:
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: finlay on November 08, 2011, 01:42:19 AM
Should be the bomber. The bomber mask is not fully symmetric, however is it not mirrored when the lemming that explodes is walking in a different direction, so the behavior is asymmetric relative to the lemming.

Next question (it's probably not as hard as it looks if you have some geographical knowledge):
Which of the following territories belonging to Norway feature the Norway Lemming (lemmus lemmus)? Multiple answers are possible:
  • Mainland of Norway
  • Svalbard
  • Bouvet Island
  • Queen Maud Land
It'll be Norway itself and Svalbard, because Bouvet Island and Queen Maud Land (ie, Norway's Antarctic claim) are in the southern hemisphere... of course, they're all basically the same sort of climate so it's perfectly possible that lemmings would be able to live on Bouvet Island. Also, you forgot Jan Mayen land, which is another island in the north Atlantic belonging to Norway, although I don't think it's inhabited by humans or lemmings.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: geoo on November 08, 2011, 07:09:59 AM
"basically the same sort of climate" is somewhat overgeneralizing it, as the mainland of Norway is quite a bit warmer than the rest, which has polar climate. So it appears that the mainland of Norway is the only landmass of the four with Norway lemmings. (Svalbard, and Jan Mayen by extension which is even a bit further to the south in latitude, are a bit tricky, as the climate isn't as harsh as on Bouvet island and Antarctica, but it seems like there are no lemmings, at least no Norway lemmings, there. I didn't include Peter I Island either as it's pretty much the same deal as Antarctica. Useless trivia: Svalbard and Jan Mayen, as well as the very remote and uninhabitated Bouvet island have their own ISO country code and subsequently even their own top level domain.)
Independent on which hemisphere they're on, Queen Maud Land and Bouvet Island don't appear too lemming friendly, with the latter covered to over 90% by ice, and having very little vegetation, and you can imagine what Antarctica is like.

Ok, go ahead with a new question. You were pretty close, and Svalbard was admittedly somewhat tricky.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: DoubleU on November 16, 2011, 10:26:40 PM
I presume you mean DOS version, and excluding the Xmas games? In that case, they are (using the Lemmix names):

Beast II
and possibly also the Prima Publishing level on the ONML bonus disk.

Which makes a total of 13, or 14 if you want to include that last one.

What is the greatest number of consecutive builderless levels in the original DOS games?
Trust me - you don't need to look this up. Think about it!
Fifteen.  Covox Speech Thing, especially if you count Beast, Menace, Awesome, Beast II, and Prima Publishing.  Find it and download and play it if you haven't already - which I guess you haven't, or you would have included it.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on March 01, 2012, 12:00:08 AM
General knowledge time! Which rodent is which?

Here are the possible answers; they're shuffled, and some aren't necessary:

Dead rodent's hide
Flying Squirrel

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: chaos_defrost on March 01, 2012, 12:08:43 AM
a-g: All dead rodent's hide. Well, they all theoretically CAN be, right?

EDIT: Well, c looks like it might be the whale, all the others are definitely dead rodents' hides.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: mobius on March 01, 2012, 12:15:41 AM
a - Capybara
b - Beaver
c - porcupine
d - squrriel
e - flying sqirrel (or a squirrel that got run over by a truck)
f - I'm gonna guess that last two; Lemming
g - mouse

I was thinking g was the whale actually. And SimpleMachine forum spell check thought I was trying to spell crappy, they never heard of Capybara?

oh a question.... in which game (and how) is it possible to save a bomber lemming? (apart from having him go into the exit before his bomb goes off)
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on March 01, 2012, 12:21:38 AM
All are correct, except (f), which is probably the hardest one. It's a jerboa, literal translation is "jumping mouse". Neither degus nor lemmings have a tail like this.

Steve in voicechat: "No, I was right. Everything is a dead rodent's hide. This quiz was a trick quiz."

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ccexplore on March 01, 2012, 01:35:28 AM
I brought this up on chat a while back, but the quiz's silhouette for jerboa really do not do justice to the real thing.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Simon on March 12, 2012, 01:57:46 AM
Nobody noticed the question by TM?

oh a question.... in which game (and how) is it possible to save a bomber lemming? (apart from having him go into the exit before his bomb goes off)

Two answers: L2 and Revolution. In L2, Bomber is a different skill than Exploder. In Revolution, oh-noers can be assigned most skills to cancel their current action.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Swerdis on September 23, 2023, 02:00:29 PM
Yeah I know this Lemmings-Quiz here is something like a dead horse. But the thread about the "crappiest Lemmings themes" by Master 88 yesterday gave me the idea of a new question.

It's about Oh no more Lemmings (Amiga version).
As we all know, there are six different tunes and four different tilesets. This makes a total of 24 combinations for a specific tileset with a specific tune. Some time ago I found out that out of these 24 combinations, 23 are present in the game (single player mode only). Only one is not.

Which is that one?
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: ericderkovits on September 24, 2023, 12:49:04 AM
The Answer is the bubble tile set. It doesn't have any levels that play the ohno tune 1 in the SINGLE player Amiga version of Oh no more Lemming!.

Here is the Breakdown for each tile set and tune.

                Tune 1       Tune 2       Tune 3      Tune 4      Tune 5      Tune 6

Brick           x11            x8             x8            x3            x8            x7           45
Bubble        ----             x3             x2            x4            x4            x3           16
rock            x2              x4             x2            x4            x3            x2           17
snow           x4              x2             x5            x5            x2            x4           22

                  17              17             17           16             17            16         100
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Proxima on September 24, 2023, 04:02:12 AM
In all honesty, questions that are akin to "How many pixels are there in all Mayhem levels of the DOS version of Lemmings?" probably shouldn't be asked.

After all this time, thanks to this post (https://www.lemmingsforums.net/index.php?topic=6331.msg100510#msg100510), this "impossible" question can finally be answered.

30 x 160 x 1648 = 7910400.
Title: Re: Lemmings Quiz
Post by: Swerdis on September 24, 2023, 08:22:41 AM
@ericderkovits Very well. Seems like it was quite an easy one. Tune 4 seems to be Amiga tune 6, Tune 5 Amiga Tune 4, Tune 6 Amiga Tune 5.