Author Topic: Sunny Shiny  (Read 1517 times)

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Offline GuyPerfect

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Sunny Shiny
« on: February 08, 2010, 11:33:55 PM »
It's a nice day in northwest Oregon today: 51 degrees and sunny. For a cold-blooded person like me, that's not even jacket-worthy weather.

A year ago, I had just made my way to Washington from Illinois for undisclosed reasons. I was staying with a family during the month of February, but after that I was out on my own with no job and no place to live. I spent March and April living in the back of my van until I had enough money to move into an apartment. I would spend all day at the public library with my laptop, and I'd buy some quick fast food and retire to the back of the van every night. From a dieting perspective, it was the fastest way to lose 30 pounds ever conceived. (-:

I remember sitting there in the library on a day much like today, learning about the then-upcoming A Boy and His Blob video game for Wii. That's the day I made my current avatar. Also in that library, I remember playing through days and days of Lemmings Revolution while waiting to hear back from prospective employers.

It was becoming autumn by the time I moved to Oregon, and it only took three weeks before I had a place to stay this time around. This is the first time the weather has been like this since I got here, and while I was driving to get some lunch today, I realized "I'm reminded of Lemmings. The weather is reminding me of Lemmings." Indeed, I remembered this place. My time in the library eventually led to me discovering the "Lemmings Community forums" and, of course, I've had my head poked in here ever since. I remember getting home from work on days like today, looking at these forums for whatever the latest Lemmings trend was.

The last year has been a pretty rough time; being homeless wasn't so bad considering, but there were other circumstances that made life less than desireable. But this is where I'd go to get away from the world and recollect all of the things I enjoy. So since the sun has reminded me of the people I appreciated at a time when I needed them, I figured I'd just take a moment to thank everyone for sharing in my enthusiasm for this quirky puzzle game of ours. (-: