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Lemmings Boards => Lemmings Main => Topic started by: Luis on December 12, 2011, 06:42:09 AM

Title: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Luis on December 12, 2011, 06:42:09 AM
I don't know what other game has been ported into many systems more than Lemmings. What version of the original Lemmings do you currently own? Also what version did you played first? It has to be the real physical copy of it, as in the actual cartridge/disc. I was gonna make this a poll, but the list will be so big. I only have the PSP version. I use to have the SNES one, (Which is the first one I played) but I don't know where that game went. The Lynx has the most odd yet interesting looking "Just Dig!".
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Minim on December 12, 2011, 07:57:00 AM
I had the DOS version first (even though it was around before I was born).

It has to be the real physical copy of it, as in the actual cartridge/disc.

I don't quite understand this part. ??? Do you mean that we should take pictures of our disc/cartridge and upload them in the forum?
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Ron_Stard on December 12, 2011, 08:13:14 AM
For me it was the Master System cartridge. My mother bought it as a present for me in my birthday, in 1994, and I still have that cartridge and its box & instruction manual. It took me 3 years to complete all the levels and get all the codes (although I was able to complete the "Rendezvous At The Mountains" -as well as a lot of other levels- in the summer of 1996, thaks to this Level Select cheat that I saw in a game magazine:


I remember very well which was the last level that resist to me till the end: "Time To Get Up!" (Mayhem 19). It was a great satisfaction for me to complete this incredible game, although the Master system version -as I'll discover many years later, while playing the MS-DOS & Amiga versions- was VERY easy. For example, the adapted levels "Just A Minute" and "Just A Minute - Part Two" are absolutely ridiculous.

It was not until mid 2003 that I played the "Xmas/Holiday" saga, "Oh No! More Lemmings!" and "Lemmings 2 - The Tribes" (and the PC version of "Lemmings"). I was able to complete all the "Xmas/Holiday" and "Oh No!" before 2005, but beating all the "Lemmings 2" levels took me some more time, and I also remember very well which was the last level I couldn't complete till the very end: the nightmare known as "Take Up Archery" (Sports 10).

Until now, I have not played seriously to Lemmings 3D, Lemmings Chronicles nor Lemmings Revolution, but I think they are not so exciting nor comfortable to play as the 2-dimensional games. But maybe some day I'll give them a deep playing.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Clam on December 12, 2011, 08:22:26 AM
I started with the DOS version, though (as I posted somewhere else IIRC) it came and went pretty quickly, and I was too young at the time to remember the details. The only one I have now is the Windows disc.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Simon on December 12, 2011, 08:42:24 AM
Played DOS version at a friend's house. Got DOS L2 later, and the original DOS Lemmings is on the same CD.

Quote from: Ron_Stard
I have not played seriously to Lemmings 3D, Lemmings Chronicles nor Lemmings Revolution, but I think they are not so exciting nor comfortable to play as the 2-dimensional games.

L3 and Revolution are 2D games. :) Revolution has hard and long levels later, requires a lot of precise timing, but has no action replay or similar aids. All three games have wildly differing physics from L1/L2.

-- Simon
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: finlay on December 12, 2011, 12:19:01 PM
I got the Mac version first with L1 and ONML bundled together. Probably in 1995 – that's when various places say that the game was released for the Mac, although I have a walkthrough document somewhere which implies that the game was out in 1993, so I don't really know. It came on floppy disks, back then. Quite a few years later (in the mid 2000s) my dad found it on CD and bought it as a kind of backup, but I think it must have gone missing.

I later bought the PS1 version (also L1 and ONML bundled together) because I saw it on a shop shelf, probably in the late 90s or early 2000s, and the PS2 version even later, probably in 2008 or 2009 (I got my PS2 in 2008, although my dad bought a PS2 when it came out so that he could use it as a DVD player, so there's a slim chance I already had the game...), although I actually intentionally went out to buy that one and was quite lucky to find it in a bargain bucket (this was a while after Lemmings had left the main shelves, but a while before all PS2 games left the main shelves...).

Any other lemmings versions, I've only played under emulation (eg DOSBox for DOS L1/2/3, Lemmix on Wine, Genesis Lemmings), and acquired illicitly (Mac Holiday Lemmings is the one I didn't play under emulation but did acquire illicitly... up until I was playing it I wasn't even sure if there was a Mac version. Apparently it came bundled with the main game too, although I must have missed that version).

I also have Lemmings Paintball for Windows, come to think of it. It's on a bookshelf somewhere, and I can only play it when I'm at my dad's (like now), because it is for Windows. I haven't tried to see if it'll work on Wine. I also haven't completed it.

And 3D Lemmings for the PS1, how could I forget? (I remember in primary school a guy that knew how obsessed I was/had been with Lemmings kept telling me to get a Playstation so that I could play 3D Lemmings... So I guess I must have got it after I'd left primary school, so between 1999 and 2001, like the PS1 version of L1. I found it at a car boot sale out in the country somewhere, and I was really pleased... No, wait! It was after 2001, because that was the year my dad moved out to the country...)

Mac: Lemmings, ONML
PS1: Lemmings, ONML, 3D Lemmings
PS2: Lemmings
Windows: Lemmings Paintball

By the way, I have acquired an EyeToy camera, but it doesn't work very well in my dark, badly lit bedroom, so I'm thinking of taking my TV and Playstation down to the living room to see if it'll work there with the PS2 Lemmings. I'll let you know how it goes...

As for the games that I don't own, I played 2-player Lemmings on my friend's Atari when I was 9 or 10, but he got bored on level 19 or 20. I haven't played a 2-player game since then (although Lix seems to be working for me now hint hint).

I didn't play Lemmings 2 or 3 or Holiday Lemmings till this year, 2011; I haven't yet completed 3. There wasn't really much excuse for that, except that I just kinda started getting back into Lemmings after a bit of a hiatus around the beginning of this year – I've had DOSBox on my computer for years and I've been capable of running Lemedit for ages. Also, I didn't have an Intel Mac until this year, and that actually opens up quite a few possibilities for me; like I don't think Lemmix would have run on my old computer.

I played Genesis Lemmings probably 3 or 4 years ago, but I got stuck on Present 29 and gave up. Again, I played through the whole thing again this year but actually finished it off this time; it was the first time for me playing Present 30 and the Sunsoft levels. While I could quite easily have gone on to play them back when I first played it, I get slightly obsessive about doing things in order and it started niggling away at me back then. But this time I think I was prepared to skip it and then come back, so I think it was the last level I actually completed, and then only with the help of savestates.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Luis on December 12, 2011, 12:42:22 PM
It has to be the real physical copy of it, as in the actual cartridge/disc.
I don't quite understand this part. ??? Do you mean that we should take pictures of our disc/cartridge and upload them in the forum?
It means the Lemmings games that you have in your emulator doesn't count.

I never beaten the SNES one back then. I was mostly messing around in the levels, like going to that big ice on the left side in "Careless clicking costs lives" or playing 2 players with my brother. It wasn't until the PSP version where I startled learning all the tricks and strategies to and see all the levels.

By the way, I have acquired an EyeToy camera, but it doesn't work very well in my dark, badly lit bedroom, so I'm thinking of taking my TV and Playstation down to the living room to see if it'll work there with the PS2 Lemmings. I'll let you know how it goes...

How many levels does the Eye Toy section has?
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: finlay on December 12, 2011, 02:12:08 PM
20 I believe. I tried it the other day and couldn't get it to work properly, and as I say I blame my badly-lit room. My shadow kept catching lemmings, and one of my posters kept pressing a button to go back to the main menu.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Mr. K on December 12, 2011, 03:27:15 PM
I got the Mac version first with L1 and ONML bundled together. Probably in 1995 – that's when various places say that the game was released for the Mac, although I have a walkthrough document somewhere which implies that the game was out in 1993, so I don't really know.
I can confirm that the game was out in 1993.  My family bought a Macintosh Performa 600 in 1993 and it came with a CD-ROM sampler disc with lots of software and games on it, including a Lemmings demo.

That Lemmings demo was actually the first Lemmings I ever had and played.  It was followed shortly by the PC version of the full game, which I played extensively at my grandmother's house on her 486 (when I was a kid I stayed there all day while my parents worked).  I really count the PC version as the first one I owned because it was the full game.

Now I own several versions of the original game: DOS, Win95 (Lemmings & ONML combo), Game Boy Color (also Lemmings & ONML), Sega Genesis, Sega Mega Drive, Sega Game Gear, Sega Master System, and Super Famicom.  And I guess the PSP version but I count it more as a remake than a port.  I think I have an Amiga copy I got somewhere, too, but I don't own an Amiga to play it on :(
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: finlay on December 12, 2011, 03:54:53 PM
I got it when I was seven, which is 1994-5. Sometime around then! :thumbsup:

I also got the two gamebooks that year. I can't remember who else has read them. I actually heard about Lemmings originally via a book catalogue for children that had the gamebooks in it. I didn't know what it was at the time – but at around the same time my dad acquired the demo for Mac lemmings (it had Fun 2, Tricky 9, Taxing 4 and Mayhem 18; and the ONML one had Tame 12, Crazy 18, Wild 7 and Wicked 1), so I then found out what it was and I think I must have bought the gamebooks after that. I didn't get the main game until after I'd completely mastered the demo, so probably a couple of months.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: ccexplore on December 12, 2011, 07:20:24 PM
I might not have ever properly owned a copy of Lemmings until very recently.  I got it at least 10-15 years ago, but it was from borrowing someone's floppy rather than an actual purchase.  And eventually I lost it and ended up getting it through abandonia.com on new computers.  All other versions I've tried are through emulators.  What can I say, I'm a cheap guy. ;P (And to be fair, I don't own any game consoles anymore for a while, and as much as I love Lemmings I don't think I'd buy one just for that.)

What did happened more recently (2-3 years ago?) is that I actually bought a bunch of Lemmings games from someone in the forums, so I now officially owned a bunch of games for the PC version.  I'll have to check back home later tonight what I exactly own.  [The main rationale for the sales was to get an official version of DOS Lemmings, to confirm that all the game mechanics do work on the official version and not just the abandonia version (don't worry, they do).]
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: DragonsLover on December 12, 2011, 07:26:00 PM
I had an Atari ST floppy of Lemmings (not the original floppy though, more like a "copy"), but it has been formatted and it's now a blank floppy. :( As for the Dos version, I simply downloaded it. Yup, I never owned a "legal" version of Lemmings, any versions of them, silly me. :P
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: LemSteven on December 13, 2011, 02:00:13 AM
My parents bought me most of the Lemmings games when I was a kid in the '90s.  I still have the original 3.5-inch floppy disks for Lemmings and ONML from the box.  I've also got the disks for Lemmings 2, but one of them is in unreadable condition.  Fortunately I still have the files installed on my computer, so I was able to make a copy of everything for backup purposes.  I also have the original CD's for The Lemmings Chronicles, 3D Lemmings, and Lemmings Revolution.

Lemmings Revolution works fine under Windows XP.  I play all of the other games on a nearly 20 year old machine with Windows 3.1 and real DOS.  In fact, the Lemmings games are the primary reason why I still keep that old computer around.

Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: ccexplore on December 13, 2011, 04:12:52 PM
What did happened more recently (2-3 years ago?) is that I actually bought a bunch of Lemmings games from someone in the forums, so I now officially owned a bunch of games for the PC version.  I'll have to check back home later tonight what I exactly own.

Here's the full inventory of what I bought, many of the items even have the original box/case and manual:So, going from owning nothing to all this.  Man I really need to start playing some of these games someday.  Maybe over Xmas! :)
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Simon on December 14, 2011, 12:20:22 AM
That was the clearance sale by Mr. Kiwi, which didn't go off too well on Ebay. I got the adventure books and the L2 introduction story book. People told each other to buy the inflatable figurine.

I asked geoo multiple times about which of these people were the same: Mr. Kiwi, Mr. K, Ksoft, K, because I wasn't completely sure before. ;)

-- Simon
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: chaos_defrost on December 19, 2011, 04:56:05 AM
I own original copies of only a bundle of the DOS Lemmings/ONML.

I got a Console I turned into an emulator that has the NES, SNES, and SMS Lemmings games. I've also gotten the 3D Lemmings games via some means, but never got it to run in any reasonable framerate.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Luis on December 28, 2011, 02:41:29 AM
Making remakes of the Sega levels makes me feel like I actually have the Sega Lemmings within the PSP version.
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Nortaneous on January 06, 2012, 05:49:59 AM
I recently found two PC Lemmings disks. One was a DOS version (I think this is the one with CD audio, but I don't have it with me right now so I can't check), and the other is the Visual Sciences version for Windows. (Is this regular winlemm? I'd hope not; it's a bit garbage.)
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: mobius on January 07, 2012, 02:19:50 AM
Lemmings 1. Lemmings Paintball, Lemmings Revolution.

I used to own an original blue floppy disk of DOS Lemmings the very first. But sadly I threw it away  :(

does anybody think those floppies of the DOS version will be valuable someday?
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: finlay on January 08, 2012, 01:58:00 AM
I recently found two PC Lemmings disks. One was a DOS version (I think this is the one with CD audio, but I don't have it with me right now so I can't check), and the other is the Visual Sciences version for Windows. (Is this regular winlemm? I'd hope not; it's a bit garbage.)
I think so; I'm not aware of multiple versions. It's in a window, isn't it? Lemmini kind of expanded upon it a little bit and gave it a proper interface.

You can perhaps tell why we still use the DOS version, anyway!
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Nortaneous on January 08, 2012, 09:54:33 AM
I recently found two PC Lemmings disks. One was a DOS version (I think this is the one with CD audio, but I don't have it with me right now so I can't check), and the other is the Visual Sciences version for Windows. (Is this regular winlemm? I'd hope not; it's a bit garbage.)
I think so; I'm not aware of multiple versions. It's in a window, isn't it? Lemmini kind of expanded upon it a little bit and gave it a proper interface.

You can perhaps tell why we still use the DOS version, anyway!
It's in a window, yes, and the window can be resized to expand the viewport. Also, the install dialogue is covered in typos, and the whole thing reeks of one of those bargain-bin games of dubious legal status from Croatia that I used to find lying at the bottom of the game cart at Office Depot.

In other news, the other disc is the DOS Lemmings disc with CD audio that I've been talking about for a while, Music rips tomorrow probably, if the disc isn't too scratched (it seems playable so far, though); I'm too tired to be bothered with it tonight.

edit: Tracklist:
2. Intro
3. Intro with random sounds
4. Awesome
5. Beast
6. Beast II
7. Cancan
8. How much is that doggie in the window
9. Lemming1
10. Lemming2
11. Lemming3
12. Menace
13. She'll be coming round the mountain
14. Twang
15-24: Tim 1-10

edit2: ...oh, I could've saved myself a lot of time; after the intro, it's the same order as here
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: ccexplore on January 08, 2012, 11:02:18 AM
In other news, the other disc is the DOS Lemmings disc with CD audio that I've been talking about for a while, Music rips tomorrow probably, if the disc isn't too scratched (it seems playable so far, though); I'm too tired to be bothered with it tonight.

In addition to the music rip, I'd like a full copy of the game's files in the CD as well actually.  Because it has been rumored that CustLemm may have been based off of this version of DOS Lemmings.

Is there anything on/in the CD that might indicate who published this version of the game?
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: finlay on January 08, 2012, 11:38:10 AM
Lemmings 1. Lemmings Paintball, Lemmings Revolution.

I used to own an original blue floppy disk of DOS Lemmings the very first. But sadly I threw it away  :(

does anybody think those floppies of the DOS version will be valuable someday?
Floppy disks? Somehow I doubt it...
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Nortaneous on January 08, 2012, 09:13:18 PM
Here's the music: http://www.mediafire.com/?95r6gb9gy6imap7 I don't have anything to convert them from FLAC, so.

In addition to the music rip, I'd like a full copy of the game's files in the CD as well actually.  Because it has been rumored that CustLemm may have been based off of this version of DOS Lemmings.
Alright, I'll try to find a way to do that.

Is there anything on/in the CD that might indicate who published this version of the game?
"Exclusively Distributed by Slash Corporation"
Title: Re: Original Lemmings you own
Post by: Mindless on January 09, 2012, 04:36:09 AM
I owned a 5" floppy of ONML (which required the original game to play, so I could never play it) and I eventually threw it out when I got rid of my 5" floppy drive. D:  Quite disappointing now.  I bought Lemmings Revolution a few years ago, since it's the only PC Lemmings game that I've ever seen in a store.  Quite a disappointing collection altogether.